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URUSHI Japanese Lacquerware / 日本の漆
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One important factor that an artist should address in the production of a work is to find materials that are novel and appropriate for the work to be produced. Also, discovering and meeting the material is extremely rare and difficult to find easily.
Fortunately, Takayuki Matsumine was able to come across almost perfect materials in his contemporary art work. That is “lacquer” produced in Iwate prefecture where Takayuki Matsumine was born and raised. About 70% of high quality domestic lacquer supplied in Japan is produced in Iwate Prefecture. In Japan, lacquer has been very useful as a material for repairing many traditional crafts and historic buildings using lacquer. On the other hand, lacquer, also called “tree blood,” is a very rare material that can be collected only from a specific type of lacquer tree, and the amount collected is very limited.
Lacquer, which has very unique characteristics as a material, has fascinated people all over the world for a long time. Lacquering requires the skills of craftsmen with many years of experience and is a difficult-to-handle natural material. It is a material with contradictory and unique characteristics as a paint that cures due to moisture.At the same time, when it is cured, it has an extremely strong coating, so it is very resistant to aging and has good durability. It has been widely used in buildings and works of art. Takayuki Matsumine believes that lacquer is a very useful material in the production of art works.
Takayuki Matsumine’s hometown, Iwate Prefecture, produces the highest quality lacquer in Japan, accounting for 70% of the domestic supply. “I feel the importance of telling my destiny that I was raised on the same soil as lacquer trees,” says Takayuki Matsumine. Takayuki Matsumine crosses the era by adapting lacquer, which has long been used as a Japanese art, to the work he creates today, and the appearance of the work that quotes Takayuki Matsumine’s Western culture. The culture will be crossed over by blending into the culture. The magical material, the appeal of lacquer is immeasurable.
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アーティストが作品の制作において取り組むべき1つの大切な要素は、斬新かつ、制作する作品の意図にかなった素材を見つけることです。また、その素材の発見と出会いは非常に稀少なことであり、容易に見つけ出すことは困難です。Takayuki Matsumineは幸いにも、彼の現代アート作品の制作においてほぼ完璧とも言える素材に巡り会うことができました。それがTakayuki Matsumineの生まれ育った岩手県で生産される「漆」です。日本で供給される質の高い国産漆の約7割は岩手県で生産されています。日本では、漆を使用した数々の伝統工芸や、歴史的建造物の修復をするための素材として、漆は大変重宝されてきました。一方で、「樹木の血液」とも呼ばれる漆は、漆の木という特定の種類からのみ採取が可能であり、採取量が非常に限られるという大変稀少素材です。
Takayuki Matsumineは漆が芸術作品の制作に非常に有益な素材であると考えています。Takayuki Matsumineの故郷である岩手県が日本で最も品質が良い漆を生産し、国内の70%の供給量を占めています。「漆の木と同じ土壌に育てられたという事に運命と伝えてゆく大切さを感じる。」とTakayuki Matsumineは話します。そしてTakayuki Matsumineは、古くから日本の芸術として使われてきた漆を、今日に彼が生み出す作品に適応させる事によって、時代をクロスオーバーさせ、かつ、Takayuki Matsumineの欧米カルチャーを引用したその作品の容姿に溶け込ませる事により、文化もクロスオーバーさせていきます。魔法の素材、漆の魅力は計り知れません。
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Creative Supports / 制作協力
Art works using lacquer materials supervised by Takayuki Matsumine are produced under the support of lacquer maker in Iwate Prefecture, and collaborators related to lacquer tree planting and growth. . Takayuki Matsumine also participates in the company’s “URUSHI NEXT” activities to grow rare lacquer trees.
Takayuki Matsumineが監修する漆素材を用いたアート作品は、株式会社浄法寺漆塗産業と岩手県内の漆塗り職人の皆様、漆の植樹と生育に関わる協力者様のサポートのもと制作されております。稀少な漆の樹木の生育を行う同社の活動「ウルシネクスト」にTakayuki Matsumineも参加しています。